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W.H.Adamson NAF Academy of Health Sciences
AOHS Teachers
Ms. Dana Hamilton-Principles of Biomedical Science (PBS) & Human Body Systems (HBS)
Enosakhare Erhunmwunsee-Hunter- Medical Interventions (MI) & Biomedical Innovation (BI)
NAF’s Academy of Health Sciences addresses the critical achievement gap in STEM fields by developing a pipeline of students prepared to pursue health-related degrees and professions in one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy.
AOHS curricula introduces students to health career possibilities through a series of career exploration courses. All courses use project-based learning techniques with an emphasis on strengthening literacy, project management, leadership, and team building skills while fostering creativity and innovation. The curricula is vetted by industry professionals to ensure content is current and relevant.
NAF has partnered with Project Lead the Way (PLTW) to offer supplemental curriculum options for Academies of Health Sciences. Project Lead the Way’s Biomedical Science program offers courses in Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions, and Biomedical Innovation. Our Adamson High School NAF Academy of Health Science offers specialized courses, state-level certifications, special projects, early college programs, work-based learning opportunities, and internships.
college and career readiness
In addition to studying career-focused curricula and working on collaborative projects, AOHS students gain critical career knowledge through a series of work-based learning activities both inside and outside of the classroom including job shadowing events, mock interviews, resume writing workshops, and the culminating experience—a paid internship. Local business partners work with educators to provide these opportunities to round out students’ education. By serving on advisory boards and as mentors, business partners make the important real-world connection for students, helping them understand the connection between their education and future success.
NAFTrack Certification, NAF’s student certification assessment system, validates successful course completion, projects, and internships. By receiving a passing score on end-of-course exams and satisfactory scores on culminating project and internship assessments, students earn NAFTrack Certification - signifying to post-secondary institutions and employers that they are both college and career ready. With this credential, graduates can benefit from NAFTrack Certified Hiring, a new initiative with some
of America’s top companies that gives special consideration to these graduates for job opportunities and other career support. Select AP, IB, Cisco, and dual enrollment courses or third-party curricula qualify for NAFTrack Certification.
Graduates of NAF academies complete college faster, earn more, and have stronger ties to their communities than their peers. NAF’s 97% senior graduation rate is a testament to this effort.